
If i get my 2 year old hunting chocolate lab neutered will it effect is hunting at all?

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If i get my 2 year old hunting chocolate lab neutered will it effect is hunting at all?




  1. i dnt think so! you might wanna do it anyway so he could have a long and healthy life.

  2. No it shouldn't effect his hunting job at all, like was said previous he will be less inclined to be sniffing the ladies & be more interested in retrivals.

    Good Hunting...

  3. No, No, no.*

  4. Pretty wild ant they. I had mine neutered at about 13 months and it did not effect his spirit or his desire to hunt.

    He will always have more energy than you and will be fine. Do the deed!

  5. It should actually improve his concentration.

  6. No.

  7. Naw, it'll make him better, he'll be hunting for his gonads!

  8. 1. I dont know

    2. Why would you buy a dog and use it for hunting. Thats cruel.

    3. Why would you use a dog to kill other things just so you could have a fun time?


  9. yes,it will make him less distracted from other dogs male and female.Less aggressive to males less loving to the females. It will give him more of a chance to concentrate on the fun job of hunting. less distracted better performance from your pal.     one pal to another .     good hunting

  10. It will improve his concentration and that will help. It could make him more apt to get fat, and that won't help, lol, but just keep an eye on that and keep him in shape.

    My dad had his dog neutered at around 3 to keep him from getting in fights and lusting after females, but at that age the help is limited because they are set in their ways. The lust part goes way down, but they still know the feeling so they still have some of that. You have to get them really young to head off all that male macho dog stuff, but it helps some.

    Neutering will not help him live longer, that's a load of garbage the idiot peta jerks spread around. Neutering actually lowers life span average, but not by much at all so it's nothing to really consider.

    And yes, hunting is so cruel, because it removes all the fun of being eaten alive by a predator or slowly starving to death catching a disease and dying racked with pain and or dehydration, which is so much nicer for the animals. People are so terrible for hunting, even though it is their nature and has been as long as they have existed, just like other animals, but I guess people don't deserve the consideration other animals do right? I mean we shouldn't mess with their natural way of life, but messing with people and forcing them to conform to our every sensibility no matter how ignorant and idiotic is ok, because people are just bad right? ... Idiots

  11. To the girl that says "hunting is cruel", hunting is probably one of the oldest sports. Cavemen (if there is even such a thing) had to hunt to find food.

    Also, one of the reasons why there is a "season" for whichever type of game, it means that that certain animal is over-populated, so it's pretty much necessary to hunt so that there aren't so many around.

    Every animal hunts, it's the way they get their food. So why should humans be any different? We have as much of a right to hunt as any animal.

    Now to answer the actual question, I'm curious as to know why you waited till he was 2 years old to neuter him. That usually needs to be done within before they're 1 year old (at least, that's what I've heard many times).

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