
If i give my notice to day is it a full 30 days?

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if i give my landlord the letter that i will be moving on the 1st of septmeber is it a full thirty days or will i have to pay next months rent?




  1. If you live in Calif. you can give notice anytime.  All other states require that you give notice prior to the first of the month.

  2. This is really a state dependent question.  Most states say that the 30 day timer begins on a monthly basis(ie. if you give notice on 9/15, you'll still have to pay all of October's rent).  The landlord has no obligation to prorate rent for the month of October.

    Some state do have an "actual" 30 days rule. (ie. you give notice on 9/15, and you can move out on 10/15).  Again, it depends on your state.

  3. In most states, the commonly named 'thirty days notice' isn't actually thirty days.  It's one monthly rental period.  Therefore, you would need to give notice on the last day of the preceding month in order to have a qualified 'thirty day notice'.  In those states in which it IS actually thirty days, you still need to follow the rental period involved.  You can't give notice on the 15th of the month and expect to be allowed to leave the next 15th with prorated rents.

    In any event, you missed the boat here, since today is August 3, so September 1 rolls around in 29 days.  You're stuck with September's rent.

  4. This people don't know what they are talking about. I rents apartments and homes and your 30 day notice doesn't need to be giving to your landlord on the 1st of the month. You can give it at any time and count 30 days from there. Example if you gave them a 30 day notice on 8-3-08 then you should be out of the house on 9-3-08 and you will have to pay the extra 3 days for September. They will prorate it. You won't need to pay nothing else.

  5. depends on the flexabilty of your landloard

  6. Under most state laws notice to vacate must cover one full rental period. If you pay weekly you can give a one week notice. If you pay monthly on the first then you must give notice before the first so to vacate on Sept 1st you needed to give notice no later than July 31st. Maybe the landlord will work with you? It can't hurt to ask.

  7. Today is August 3.  No, that's not 30 days until September 1.  It's 29 days, not 30.  You'd have to pay the September rent.  One day from today is tomorrow.  29 days from today is Sept 1.

  8. You are a couple of days late.  Your counting skills are seriously lacking.

    Rent is 1st to 1st, you give notice on the first, when you pay your last months rent.   If you give notice today you still owe for September.

  9. It really depends on your state's landlord/tenant laws.

    In California, the 30 day notice can be given on any day of the month.

    Notice today in California, would leave you liable for rent until September 3rd.

    In most other state's it is a one month notice requirement. One full rental term. In those states, notice given today, would leave you liable for rent until September 30th.

    Your notice would not be effective until the next rental due date (September 1st) and you would be liable for the full month's rent.

  10. Nope You would have had to do it by july 31st for sept 1st

  11. Unless you have a very understanding landlord, no.  You'll have to pay the next month's rent.  The first of the month was Friday.

  12. Your lease runs from the 1st of the month to the end of the month.  If you give 30 days notice today (aug 3), it would be effective September 1 and you could move October 1.  If you move out before October 1, you will still owe the rent until the end of Sept

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