
If i go camping wat kind of gun should i bring

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im afraid i might get attacked by a bear, or some killer or something, so i need a defense weapon. is it reasonable to bring an AR-15, or a short barreled rifle?




  1. I camp all the time and I have never needed a gun. Although, it really depends on where you are. A bear bag will eliminate most bear problems, but if a bear is in your tent, even a machine gun won't save you. As for small critters, keep your food hidden in a bear bag. To make a bear bag, find a tree limb about 20 ft up, throw a rope over it and put all your food in a bag. Tie the bag to the rope, and hoist it up to within 1 foot of the limb. Tie it off around the tree trunk and leave it overnight. Most bears can't climb trees and most can't figure out that the rope is holding up the food, If they can even identify where the smell is coming from. Also, put deodorants, soaps, shampoos, and anything with a strong fragrance other than your own in the bag. That should waylay any critters. As for any "killers" out there, you probably won't even see or hear them coming, but a high caliber handgun might do the trick, although I wouldn't count on seeing any.

  2. You should go with the rifle. Bears will get hurt by the AR but like it might not stop them all the way. The rifle will totally take them down. Especially at short range.

  3. If it's legal where you are, and you already own an AR, by all means, you won't get better protection than that. But, I'd personally bring a semi-auto 12 guage. A shotgun you don't have to be as accurate as you would with a well placed .223 shot. You can use multiple types of ammo, example:

    bird shot(lots of BB's)wide spread incase the predator startles you , 00 buck shot(few very large BB's), or a rifled slug(one massive piece of lead). Bring all 3 types to combat any of the varing predators you may incounter from close distance, to long distance, and you're covered. Good luck!

  4. Where you are going camping is going to determine really whether you can even take a gun with you. For anything in the woods that aim to harm you, an AR-15 is a popgun.(it's proven to be sort of a popgun over in IRAQ also) . If I was legally allowed to carry while camping, my choice would be a .357 revolver with 6 inch or more barrel. Reliable, powerful (would deter attacking black Bear and possibly put a grizzly on pause long enough to climb a tree)

  5. 12 gauge shot gun

  6. I go camping in the mountains of NC. I have an AR but would not consider it practical. Round is too small. If you are backpacking back into the wilds and if permitted, something like a 30-06. Heavy enough for anything. Good protection, and if necessary in a survival situation, food.

    I stick to small campgrounds but Black Bears are a real consideration. I carry a Rossi mod 971 .357mag. It is good for all predators both 4-legged and 2.

  7. You dont need a gun to go camping

    trust me I have gone camping the last seven years and I have only seen 1 bear. and it was about a mile away and it was being watched by the rangers

    Trust me if there is a Killer in your campsite there will also be rangers






  8. For a grizzly, you might as well use voodoo over an AR 15. You'll need a 12 gauge loaded with slugs to even begin to threaten the life and limb of such a formidable creature.  

  9. It's not legal for a 9 year old to have a firearm while camping. Ask an adult to protect you and read a bedtime story if you're scared.

  10. i suggest you do not bring one unless you have a permit. It is against the law to shoot animals in some woods, so you might want to check that first.

  11. Camping? Bear?

    Ruger Alaskan.

  12. Best thing for a bear is a large guage shotgun because a bullet is just going to p**s it off. Ignore what Jessica said, if it is self defense you have a right to do it.

  13. I wouldn't use the AR on a bear.

    I think a shotgun with slugs and 00 buck is your best bet.

    If that's not an option I would go with a .308 rifle and choose my ammo very carefully.

  14. a shotgun would be best. the forest rangers have 12 gauge shotguns with slugs for bears. 00 buck is good for two-legged critters.

  15. Forget the AR15 for camping..... Its not polite looking and will creep other campers and hikers out. You might cause a report to be made there is some Militant gun nut in the woods....  Just bring a Ruger Mini 14. It looks like a .22 from a distance and it wont give off the weirdo vibe.... Its light weight, accurate and the .223 is enough to send any bad social situation types and wild animals on there way.....

  16. if you're scared dont go

    course, i guess carry you a small pistol

    maybe you wont shoot your foot off

  17. bring a 12 guage pump shotgun. alternate 00 buck and slugs, that should take care of most close quarter defensive engagements in the woods with either bears or human predators.

    p.s. know the laws in the state, county, or federal land that you intend to camp! some states (and federal parks) are strict about bringing certain types of firearms into the woods during hunting off-season. every state has different laws depending on the particular season, what you are doing in the woods (hunting, camping, etc.). For some states such as MA, you can't bring a rifle into the woods durring deer shotgun season. KNOW THE LAWS IN YOUR STATE TO AVOID PROBLEMS!      

  18. Having hunted for the better part of my 60+ years i have never HAD to protect myself ( YET). But even when hunting, whether it be deer, bear or hog i always carry a side arm as a back up weapon just in case.

      NO one ever wants to consider the thought that an animal might attack them but at the same time " Bad Stuff does happen to good people".

      Although a rifle or a shot gun will do the trick and the 12 Guage with slug really does a number on animals and is used as a back up when hunting many dangerous game in heavy brush. " because of its stopping power*

    My preferred ' camping gun' is a revolver / 44 mag. Yes they kick but they will take down most game and run away busses/ trucks and yet they come in small barrel lengths that make them easy to carry in a holster......

      As a rule you seldom need to worry about an animal that is far enough away to shoot with a rifle as you SEE them first. Any bad things are going to be close and a long gun is worthless when dealing with up close and personal...

       Do give a handgun due consideration if you are looking for a weapon to take camping.      

  19. there are variables to this answer. For general camping I carry a sidearm. a revolver chambered in either .357 magnum or a .44magnum. This allows me to carry it easily on my hip and I don't have to lug a heavy rifle or shotgun around, plus it is always available to me. However, If I am camping in an area that has had bear trouble, or trouble from two legged critters, I also bring a short barreled shotgun, in 12 gauge, loaded with a combination of slugs and buckshot. As for bringing an AR15 for defense? no, I would not. as a deterrent for a bear, it is lacking in stopping power. It would work well for two legged critters, but anyone who see's it is going to think you are a nutcase, and probably report you to the rangers etc becaue they either don't know that is a legal firearm, or because they are concerned you are dangerous.

    Other options are bear spray (which also works well on unarmed 2 legged critters) and making sure that you have a bear safe camp. Contact local fish and game for tips. next, relax and enjoy the outdoors, it isn't nearly as dangerous as you are making it out to be. I grew up in the outdoors, starting at age 9 and have yet to be attacked in my camp by a bear, a cougar, or a big foot!! although I have had trouble with some 2 legged critters raccons, a skunk  and even a moose that was very curious.

    shoot safe

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