
If i go looking for shroom under cow p**p how do i know its actually shrooms and not just any other mushroom?

by Guest33076  |  earlier

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its something im dying to know




  1. There are a number of field guides for the identification of mushrooms and other fungus available, and you should get a good one.

    Many mushrooms look very much alike, but one may be edible, the other deadly.

    In one case, a family a few years ago in the Pacific Northwest, gathered some mushrooms they thought were safe, but caused liver failure to everyone in the family, and it was a medical miracle they lived, with multiple liver transplants.

    Collecting mushrooms can kill you if you get it wrong, a good field guide will show you how to identify them, including taking a spore print for positive I.D.

    One last thought...although you can legally order and possess spores for magic mushrooms, actual possession of the mature mushrooms themselves is against the law, and depending on the amount, can be a felony. There is no easy way to identify mushrooms unless you're raising them from a known spore source, the color when bruised isn't even close to keeping you healthy or alive. Get a good field guide, and learn to use it, at the very least.


  2. The mushroom (fruiting body) does not grow under the cow dung. It would grow on or around the dung.

    Psylocybn (sorry about spelling) shrooms stain blue when bruised or cut so that's something to look for, but......please take care...

    Do NOT eat anything you are not 100% sure you have identified correctly. Any doubt don't bother.

    Always keep a shroom spare in case something does go wrong and you need to get to hospital, take the shroom with you, this will help the doctors.

    Remember set and setting for your trip.

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