
If i go to Rutgers, then UPENN, do i have good chance at being a vet?

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okay so i really want to be a vet, i dont care how long it takes, and im going to study hard in high school and get good grades, i have been on honor role [all A's and B's] my whole elementary and middle school grades, bcuz i know i want to be a vet since 2nd grade!

so my plan is to do really good in high school, take Biology, Chemistry, English, Physics, and Calculus, and all those kind of classes to bcome a vet.

Then I am going to go to Rutgers [for 4 years], because i live in NJ and that is a very respected school. at rutgers i am going to take pretty much all the same classes listed above [maybe more advanced though]

Then i hopefully i will get into University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine [UPENN]

And study there for another 4 years.

Do you think this is a good plan to become a vet?





  1. It sounds like a good plan.  Be ready to work hard.  One thing for you to keep in mind is that getting into vet school is not strictly about grades.  It's also about your life experience and experience with animals.  Every summer that you can you should volunteer at a local vet clinic or animal shelter.  The vet clinic would give you more real world experience for what you hope to do in the future.  The more experience you can get the better your chances of getting in.  This will also allow you to get to know some vets that can possibly write you a letter of recommendation to get into vet school when it comes time.  Don't limit yourself to just one vet school either.  There aren't that many in the country, and if you really want to go you should apply to several, even it means it's not close to home.  

  2. That won't get it done.  You need to add a serious amount of science courses to get a consideration at UPenn's vet program.  You should research the requirements.  You need to take as an undergraduate:

    English: 6 semester credits (at least 3 in composition)

    Physics: 8 Semester credits including 2 labs

    Chemistry: 12 Semester credits (thats 8 in general chem, 4 in organic, biochemistry would be a good idea too)

    Biology or Zoology: 9 Semester credits

    Social Sciences: 6 Semester credits

    Calculus: 3 semester credits

    Statistics/biostatistics: 3 semester credits

    These are the minimum requirements.  You need to check to see if Rutgers even offers these types of classes.  Pinning yourself down to two universities is a huge mistake.  You have time, but if you are still serious in high school get a hold of a counselor who can help.  But to get into these schools your HS grades need to be kept up there (A's and B's.  Mostly all A's).....

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