
If i go to court for a ticket do i have to pay the fine then, or can i pay later??

by Guest32316  |  earlier

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I got a ticket for parking in handicap parking, the police said i would have to go in to court to get my fine. Will i have to pay the fine right then and there or will they give me a date that the fine will have to be paid before?




  1. Depends on the judge, really. I've been in the court where the judge asked the defendant "do you have the money today" and if they answered yes, then they told them to go to the clerk and pay it. When they have answered no, I've heard the judge either ask "when will you" and if the person says 1 week, 1 month, etc, then he makes a ruling that they have to pay it by then. Other times when they have said they didn't have the money, the judge just gave them a time or date to pay it by.

    I've seen only twice, where the judge has put someone in the county jail until the fine was paid. Once because the person was a habitual traffic offender, and the other because the defendant had such an attitude about it all.

  2. most of the time they will set up a payment plan but that depends where you live so just ask them when you go in.

  3. It depends on your court.  Some will allow for later payments, most want their money then.

  4. Just call the court house before you go and they will tell you what your options are.

  5. The judge will give you at least 30 days to pay if not more, in that time period, as long as you have made an effort to pay it (pay some on it as much as you can no matter how little it is) you will be allowed more time (most of the time in 30 day increments) until it is paid off. Most jails are over crowded and the judge will work with you to take care of your problem.

  6. In almost all situations the fines have to be paid immediately.  There is an alternative of impound or jail term with them if you are unable to pay the fine.   To avoid such situations as a special case, if you plea for a installment plan, it may be accepted by the court.  However that is the discretion of the court entirely how much leniency to grant you.

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