
If i go to the gym for 2 hours everyday, How long will it take for me to produce a well toned six pack? ?

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Plus i watch what i eat aswell




  1. depends what exercise you do, of course , you probably know that you need to do abdominal excersises to get a six pack but it should take maybe 2 to six weeks, dpending on how hard you work

  2. i got a six pack in 2 weeks.

    Just do push ups to strenghten your stomach core muscle.

    Just going to the gym wont give u a six pack like that.

  3. several weeks  

  4. Well that depends on which muscles you train.

    If you only do your arms and legs it will take a long time.

  5. Depends on your shape starting out.  If you're in good shape with overall body toning, you're probably looking at several weeks to a few months to see the abs really start to show.  To get them to pop to the point that people will notice, definitely months.  I'll include a link that has good information and some good links.  Good luck with your workouts.

  6. well that depends on how fat u are, drink plenty of slim fast

  7. it will take a long time but you will start to feel fitter before you start to see it

  8. im not sure

    it would depend on what type of excercises you were doing in the gym and what shape you started out as

    but i recomend

    sit ups

    ab crunches


    push ups

  9. Remember when doing ab exercises that more is not necessarily better. You should train your abs like any other body part.

    More exercises will not make them magically appear — the only thing that will do that is to get your body fat down below 8%. Also remember that your abs work like an accordion, not like a hinge. So when doing crunches, you should concentrate on crunching together rather than moving your body upwards. This will maximize muscle tension.

    The other key in ab work is tension. You must concentrate on contracting your muscles as tight as you can. This will cause them to fatigue faster. It does not matter how many reps you can do; the only thing that matters is how hard you can contract your abdominal muscles. If it takes you 100 crunches before your abs begin to burn, then you are wasting your time. Your abs should be bursting at no more than 20-25 reps. If they are aren't, you need to add weights to your exercise and work on contracting the muscles tightly for each rep.

  10. Running will no doubt help you get a six pack, but that is not the only thing to focus on. Running mainly works the lower abs and burns the extra fat off your stomach. In order for a six pack to really show, you need your body fat % to be 11% or lower. STAY AWAY FROM HIGH FAT FOODS! Try running a mile a day, I do that much myself. But if you are doing it on an empty stomach, just make sure that you have a good meal right afterwards. Otherwise your body will burn your muscle instead of fat. You also must work your upper abs, which is pretty easy. I recommend just simple crunches, body crunches, reverse crunches, and something called the "bicycle crunch"

    If you do all these things than I am positive you will have a six pack in no time.

  11. You have to eat right as well to get and keep a six pack  

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