
If i go to therapy and tell them i want to kill myself will they be allowed to tell my parents?

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i am not planning on it right now but i want to and im 15 are they legally allowed to tell my parents




  1. Two things could happen if you go to therapy and tell them you want to kill yourself:

    1.  If the therapist believes that you are suicidal and are a danger to yourself, then the therapist could send you to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.  In this situation, your parents will be told to take you to the hospital, or they will have to meet you there if you are admitted.

    2.  On the other hand, if the therapist does not think you are suicidal or a danger to yourself, then you will probably just talk about why you feel that way.  And no, they should not be allowed to tell your parents information you disclose in confidentiality.

  2. I think they are because its a life threatening danger.

  3. yes if you mention in any way that you wanna harm yourself they have the right to tell your parents about it. so your parents can help decide further help

  4. Most likely. Please don't ever consider killing yourself, it's not worth it, trust me.  

  5. You need to talk to the therapist, explaining that you have some problems in your life that are making you feel suicidal that you would rather your parents be kept out of for the time being. Explain that when you are ready to, with the help of the therapist, then you will explain to your parents what has been going on. It may also help to talk to your parents about this instead of a counselor or therapist. They love you and will be there for you. They aren't as mean or hard to understand or stupid or lame as you think they are. They are people too, and when they were young, even though it was in a different period of time, they had feelings and hopes and dreams and thoughts that are similar to yours. Counselors can help you tell your parents by introducing the problem and being there with you while you talk to your parents and explain why you feel the way you do and how you need their help.

  6. From what other people have said it seems like the answer is yes, but I thought because of patient confidentiality or whatever they weren't allowed. But I guess I'm wrong.

  7. yes. because it it harms yourself or others ur therapist has to tell ur parents. its accually a law.

  8. I think that the therapist would talk to you about it and try to get to the root of the problem without telling your parents right off the bat.

    Go to a therapist and consult them.

    Other teenagers on yahoo answers don't know what they are talking about.

  9. yes and it sucks u can't tell anyone these days without it being a secret but this is bad so ya ur parents should no but i no how much it sucks to tell someone something and have them go and turn there back on u and tell someone else it sucks

  10. in a situation where you or someone else's life is at stake, i believe that they are legally allowed to tell you parents.

  11. Your question raises a lot of questions.  Are you in therapy now, or just thinking about starting?  Is wanting to kill yourself the reason for the therapy, or is there something else that explains both?  What is it that you want to do but aren't planning right now - killing yourself or telling your therapist?  But never mind, here is my question:

    Suppose you did tell your therapist, and they told your parents.  What is the most likely thing that could happen?  Your parents would be worried about you and would work with the therapist to get you some treatment.  You would live and eventually work through your problems. Your parents would be forever grateful that you got help.

    Suppose you didn't tell anyone.  The thoughts of killing yourself might continue and get worse.  You might actually try to do it, and worst case, you might succeed.  Your parents would then find out that you planned to kill yourself, but it would be too late for them to help.  Their lives would be ruined forever.

    Tell them first.  Then tell a therapist.  Depression and suicidal thoughts are part of an illness, not a character flaw or anything you can necessarily control.  Your parents will understand that.  

  12. It wouldn't be your parents to worry about, if I were you.  If you tell a therapist that you want to kill yourself, they can have you committed for 72 hours of observation.

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