
If i got bit by a dog and i am hurt very bad what should i do?

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If i got bit by a dog and i am hurt very bad what should i do?




  1. Get a tetnus jab,go to the hosiptal and they will give you one.

  2. Sue

  3. Cut the dogs balls off.

  4. Not good. Go to the doctor immediately. I hope you can get a hold of the dog in case it needs to be tested. Dogs can carry stuff that will not hurt them but will hurt us bad.

  5. go to a Doctor and get it checked

  6. call the fire department (paramedics) have someone to call the dogpoun

  7. 1) Get the wound(s) checked out by your doctor or at hospital.

    2) Find a lawyer.

    Feel better...

  8. Disinfect the injury, rinse, wipe, then band aid.

  9. Bite the dog back.

  10. Make sure your tetanus shot is up-to-date.

    Clean the wound pay extra extra care to places where the skin is broken

    Antiseptic cream can help to fight any infections you may have caught.

    Keep an eye on your temperature any noticable dips or rises go to see the doctor immediately

  11. I'm still getting over the fact that this is under "Dining out" - I guess the dog might be! :)

  12. Yes, you should bite the dog back because soon you'll be turning into one also. You see "The Shaggy Dog" movie yet, that movie is real to the core.

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