
If i got suspended for 10 days on the day before the last day of schools and teacher planning comes ?

by  |  earlier

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would i have to wait more days meaning would it be count as a school day




  1. Suspension counts against school days only and has nothing to do with teacher planning days.  You are likely suspended for the first few days of the new school year, but please do check with the administration and see if you can get an appeal through.  Perhaps you learned your lesson over the summer for whatever the suspension was for.

  2. HEH duuuude i have no idea  but i like yer style buddy! ahhh reminds me of high school

  3. Teacher planning or in-service do not count towards your suspension.  You will miss the first 8 days (assuming you were out the last 2 from the year before).  Make sure you get your assignments from your upcoming classes so you're not too far behind when you come back.

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