
If i had a good personality would you date me?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no this CANNOT be you!!!

  2. You look like Gimli (from lord of the rings) after a botched s*x op.

  3. Caheera, when you ask a question like that you are going to get a lot of nasty answers!

  4. of course you're gorgeous

  5. Please tell me some one played around with one of them picture altering programs.

    I read the comments before looking at the picture, i knew i shouldn't have looked, if any one reads this before looking too ? you'll get what the cat got.  

  6. Mother Nature can be very cruel, but she really has it in for you

  7. roflmao Mookie   me too

  8. i wouldnt personally.

    just lose weight and put make-up on..

    hire a personal trainer.

  9. I threw up in my mouth a little

  10. if i'd had about 15 pints and my eyes poked out and only had 2 minutes to live

  11. honestly dont listin to people who have sour comments

    your beautifullly and wondrerfully made I know cuzz i was in your shoes to i learned to ignore peoples comments and just keep trukin people the way i see it no matter how ugly or how beautiful you look no matter how kind you are there always gunna be someon who says sumthin about ya so just enjoy life live it to the fullest n have fun with it  ignore people and thre stupid comments stupid comments come from stupid people not always but to sum extent it does fell free to e mail me any time kay have a blessed one I dont know if i helped or hurt but i apologize in advace if i may have offended you god bless ^_^!

  12. if you painted youself green you wood look like the

  13. No I don't date mole people.

  14. You could be doing with a bit of a shave but what the h**l yeah! ;)

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