
If i had my period a week ago n me n my bf had s*x today n the condom broke am i ok????

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If i had my period a week ago n me n my bf had s*x today n the condom broke am i ok????




  1. Well depends...

    If you're a youngin' then your periods might be irregular and you MIGHT be pregnant :/

    Id take an emergency contraceptive if I were you.

  2. Who knows? you gotta wait it out and take a test.

  3. Technically you are never "ok". The norm for ovulating is the middle of your cycle. If you have a normal 28 day cycle you ovulate around day 14. However sperm can live up to 3 days inside the body and you have around a three day period of ovulating, which leaves 6 days that you have a good chance of getting pregnant, Though some woman ovulate during their period, right after and or right before. I would say you have a small chance of getting pregnant, but again, nothing is for sure until the first day of your period.

  4. in your period ended a week ago?..or started a week ago?...well if it ended a week ago...then very good chance you could be pregnant...if you started a week ago...very slim chance...use condoms gf..or use birth control lol....either which way its goes wish you the best

  5. most women ovulate 10-16 days from the 1ST day of their period.....Looks like you might be screwed...

    Congratulations though! You just might be a mommy! Babies are a beautiful thing. If you're not ready, you can always give your child up for adoption (there is lots of people who love to raise your child)


  7. Um, go to planned parenthood and take the morning after pill if your that worried to not want to be pregnant and you'll be fine. I guess you have 72 hours from when the condom broke. I heard it can cost $20-$35.  

  8. Not necessarily.  You could have ovulated early, or you could ovulate in the next day or two and easily get pregnant.  

  9. No your not ok.

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