
If i had to voluntarily relinquish my rights to my kids can i adopt later?

by Guest59183  |  earlier

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If i had to voluntarily relinquish my rights to my kids can i adopt later?




  1. Wow, that oughta make the kids you gave away feel great.  Why not figure out how you can make their lives better?

  2. If you "had" to relinquish your rights???Was there abuse involved?? Did you neglect your other children?? Depends on the past situation.. But the social worker will want the honest truth, I mean the WHOLE truth, because if they do a background check and they find you on the system, ( for anything), they`ll flat out deny you right there. Why should you care for another abused or abandoned child, when you were an abuser yourself???Social workers aren`t that forgiving, I had a case worker in my house, ( I was looking into foster care), and they scrutinize your every move. Keep in mind these children are looking for loving, responsible parents.

  3. Yes, you can adopt later assuming that you don't develop a health problem or marry someone who has any kind of criminal record, or have a working class job or a job that moves you every few years. All of these reasons will cause your application to be turned down.  Keep your kid if you can and locate services that can help you.  60% of birthmothers never have another child (statistics are based on women who gave birth after 1970).

  4. do you mean adopt your kids or just adopt in general? That should n't have no bearing for adoption in general. although the judge may have some concerns. and what do you mean by "had To"??

  5. You abandoned your child(ren?) and now you want to raise someone elses child? Sorry but adoption isn't a "zero sum game".

    I know a woman who abandoned her son, and then later adopted a child. Her son wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, and I can't say that I blame him.

  6. Well, anytime someone wants to adopt they have to have a Home Study done, and a background check. If you have already lost custody of your children I would not think it would be likely that you would be eligible to adopt.

  7. It all depends on the circumstances of your relinquishing your other child(ren).  If they were taken away due to abuse and neglect then the answer is no you cannot adopt.  If you placed your child in a loving home because you did not have the means at the time to raise your child yourself then you are still allowed  the option of adopting a child.  You would need a Home Study to finalize your ability to adopt though....

  8. I'm an adoption social worker and it depends on what you mean by "had to."

    How long ago was it?  Why did you?  Have you changed at all since then?  What reason do I have to believe you wouldn't do it again?

    For were 17 years old and not ready to be a parent and you recognized that you're 30, married, good job no criminal record or substance abuse...GREAT.

    You were 23, behind on your child support because you weren't paying for your children so you're "baby's mama"  said sign off so my new man can adopt or I'm gonna have your butt thrown in you're 30 and want to adopt....SEE YA!  NO WAY!

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