
If i have 2 10's at 4 ohm with 1500 rms and 3000 peak each what is the correct amp or amps i will need to pwr

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the speakers are Orion hcca 10.4 they are 10 with four ohm's i want to put in two of them. i am unsure about the type of amp and the size of amp i am looking for this is really the question? the website for them is




  1. you need to match the amp to the RMS as this is the best level that the sup runs at the max means that it can go up to this befor blowing up.

    if you have 2 subs at 1500RMS (= 3000rms) therefor you need an amp that runs 3000w.

    you can go up to a 6000w amp but you will blow if you not careful.

    the rms is best to run at. what the factory do when the create a sub is run watts thru it starting from 0 up to when they blow up.

    the measure the arc of sound that they create to low w the sound is not strong enough, when the arc reaches the top (ie the RMS) it starts to lose quality and starts to degrade until it blows (PEAK)

    therfor for the best sound and quality they tell you to run RMS. if you run it lower or higher then it will work but quality will be effected.

  2. It would be helpful to have more info such as model #'s , what type and size enclosure you are planning on using ,but a general rule of thumb is 80% - 100% of your rms rating.

    On a second note to crashpc there are 1500 watt rms 10' drivers avalible i.e. DD9510, DD 9910z, so go ahead and call me a liar.

  3. at first, you don't have 1500W 10" speaker. No existing speaker like this, and if somebody has enaugh courage to write this, he is a liar.  It cannot handle this power because of thermal limits. Speaker, which is able to handle this power has to have 6"-8" voice coil. Do you have the voice coil diameter almost the same as your speaker itself diameter?

    because of this issue, it is not possible to answer to the second question, because nobody knows how many watts is the speaker able to handle without damage. Even if we knew this, there is not exact answer. It depends on many things like type of amplyfier, tuning of your speaker box and many more.

    If you tune it for low frequencies "extension", you will have to use less power because you increased the excursion of the speaker.

    For good choosing, you need to know many things but one is the most usefull - you should choose amp with at least the same (real RMS) wattage as your speaker has, maybe a bit higher and set it propertly.

    //edit : wow! what huge magnetic assembly! There are no exact parameters of the voice coil and overall the speaker, but other (Vas, Qes,Qts and sensitivity ) parameters are corresponding with "lower" BL factor so that means that the speaker is a piece of c**p for the price, and it is not propably that it can handle that power. see this:   this is my BC 12TBX100 speaker with advanced assembly, 4" voice coil, and it is overrated like 1000Watt speaker. look at PD 2150 speaker. it is brutal one with 5" or bigger voice coil still rated about 1000Watts. Anyway, even when your speaker would be able to handle that power

    a) the SPL increase between 1000 and 1500Watts is miserable and not usable for every speaker

    b) more sensitive speaker like the PD i told will play louder with less of power, so why to push so many watts when it is not gonna play as loud? sensitivity is better than power handling ability. so overall - like fashionable gadget, its cool. Like speaker it is piece c**p for that money.

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