
If i have 6 kidz, does it make me more qualified then Palin to be VP?

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so every1 thinkz shez qualified cuz she is mom of 5, wow big deal. why wont peeple just wake up!




  1. No.  Palin is more qualified than you because she can spell "kids."

  2. Because our Government is based upon our Common Citizenry serving and representing us!

    YES!  You are definitely qualified.  Now get out there and work your f***y off and "Change"  Washington DC for the betterment of all of us and the world!

    What is sad is that today the common person feels that our leaders must be Harvard Educated geeks who think they are Greek gods.  MALARKEY!

    YOU need to wake up and see the wonder of the American Democratic Experiment!

    WE THE PEOPLE...means something, THINK!

  3. No one is saying that she is qualified because she has alot of kids.

    Quit cutting and pasting from her life story of how Palin became to be and how she progressed up the ladder.

  4. No, you also have to have a brain.

  5. Yeah if you are also a Governor of a State and was a CEO and had oil industry experience and was a Washington outsider and was a conservative Republican and a college graduate and had the right political views...

    But you are NOT. You are a moron that has no clue how to spell.

    "kids.." etc.

    Go back to grade school.

    Hey ...

    but thanks for the two points..and what is attracted a number of fine individual respondents.

    It would be an hilarious question of you knew how to spell.

    Hey I'll give you a clue..the writing shows up in red if misspelled.

    peeple??? people.

  6. No because then you'll get to be the president! lol

  7. I don't know. Have you fought corruption at the highest levels of your state government, served on commissions that regulate industries worth billions of dollars, & been elected to your state's highest office where you received approval ratings of 80% or higher? Her record speaks for itself, which is why the Democrats are scared of her.

  8. i think so.. have another one just to be safe, then you'd get my vote. You also have to be under investigation for committing using your powers in a non-just way.. kinda like her.

    giving your kids some guns and joining the NRA wouldn't help either.

    She is a joke..

  9. Please cite your source on that. I haven't heard that yet. Instead, I've heard she's qualified because she gets the corrupt leaders out.

    lol, we're old? I thought you were going to say we were old because we know how to use basic English. Btw, I'm only 18, not old at all.

  10. If we need to learn the internet, you need to learn to spell.

    No, it does NOT qualify you.  Perhaps, however, if all those six kids of yours had the same FATHER, that might help.

  11. Not at all. Palin has a Degree in Journalism too, so I'm sure she can also spell better than you. Texting seems to be destroying the literacy and grammar of the young people in our country.

  12. Your spelling and punctuation don't even qualify you to work at McDonald's.  

  13. No.

    But it makes you more qualified than a Harvard educated community organizer

  14. With your inability to spell and punctuate properly I doubt you'd be able to fill out an application to work at a gas station.  

    In addition to her five kids, she also has years of success as a state governor and city mayor.

  15. Do any of your children also have Down's syndrome? If you're a Liberal, no you're not qualified, because if you knew ahead of time you were going to have a child who would need special care, you would have aborted it, and called it a choice, instead of murder, and your other kids would be living on welfare, like you.

  16. You're not qualified for anything until you learn to spell and punctuate.  

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