
If i have a 3 year old felony how hard will it be to get a trucking job in los angeles if i go to school!?

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Well I got a felony 10 years ago that doesnt show. But I have been working in the car bussines for 6 years with no problems, Actually running a store and making very good money. Now that the economy is bad I was looking for a career change. But for my luck I was involved in an altercation 3 years ago, and because of my previous record I got slammed again with a second felony! By the way its not drugs or stealing! My question is if I Pay $3500 to go to trucking school, and get a few indorsements how difficult will it be to get a job in that field? Thanks for your time!

Oh and if you know of any company's that do hire felons for trucking in Southern California please let me know Thanks




  1. You would actually have to contact the company to see what their take on this is...England trucking i know has strict orders (they are cross country drivers),but i do believe if you're looking to haul rock or gravel,say with Yeager or Matich,being they are an indepedantly owned operating system,will probably be more lenient on you.

  2. Felonie can haunt you for 7-10 yrs.  

  3. With criminal back ground a felony is going to be real hard to get a job just put it this way anywhere descent. no one wants to hire a criminal wen there's plenty of clean people out there but you could try those small company's like family's own or something like that .Big non company's are real strict with the driver they hire good luck.

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