
If i have a child will my college not let me stay on my corse?

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i am 16 and leaving school this year. and started college in september. if i have a baby will the college throw me out, or would they let me stay on if i came back after giving birth after a few weeks?

dont say am to young . im just curious on this im not saying im going to have a child.




  1. No a college Will be very supportive in helping you continue with your education! What you need to think of is can you afford to have a baby and go to college or would you be best off having a job if you have a baby!

    Some Colleges have nurserys for the babies!

  2. No they wont kick u off the course! Explain to them the situation they will be very supportive!

    I had a baby 8 weeks ago and today is my first day back at college, I have been here for 2 years now and they were very supportive when I was pregnant, they also love my baby!

  3. eh when i started my art degree there was alot of children not allowed in the classrooms signs but other than that i doubt it should mattter

  4. Depends on the rules and regulations of your college. Pregnancy can be very demanding and you need to focus on your health, keeping up the work may be hard and also how you will be treated by your peers is another story on its own.

  5. Theres a scheme called care to learm which helps with child care fees, Alot of colleges have nurserys, I know my local one did

  6. im 17 and i was meant to start collage last year but i was due to give birth when my course would hae started.

    so i decided to take a year off as leaving my newly born baby would be heartbreaker instead of going tio collage straight away when i should be resting and recovering.

    colllage are very supportive, you find lots of people have kids and are at collage some even have nurseys on site so your not far from your baby at all.

    i will be starting a part time course this september i still dont want to leave my baby i dont want to miss important parts of his life.

  7. Of course they wont i am at college and have a child and they are very supportive.

  8. too young

  9. They should let you stay if you have a meeting with them to tell them you want to have the baby and continue your education.

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