
If i have a cold and i snuggle my hamster will she catch my cold?

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i have been dying to snuggle with my hamster but im a afraid ill give her my cold, is this true?




  1. Definitely. Stay away from your hamster (I know this is hard)

    Hamsters have very weak immune systems and are very prone to colds.

    And they usually die from a cold if it isn't treated with anti-biotics.

    I would know because one of my hammies died from a cold :(

    You don't want the same thing happening to your hamster.

  2. Not even remotely possible.

    Humans and animals have different core body temperatures.

  3. No Not At All Because Your 2 Different Spicies  

  4. probably not just snuggle her all u want




                                     Missis (Fizzle)

  5. Definitely, i dont know what the first couple of ppl r saying....just look it up on google!

  6. Yes it's true, avoid handling him as little as possible and if it's really necessary wash your hands well before touching it.  

  7. not unless u snuff it first

  8. Gerbils and Hamsters CAN catch colds from humans.So it is very important to stay away if you have one. Also try not to handle their food. You can pass germs on to them this way as well. You may need to let some one else take care of them for a while. Please read up on this. Plenty of books will tell you about health care and rodents catching human colds. I have a book in front of me now that explains all this and i've kept Gerbils and Hamsters for over 20 years

  9. Don't listen to some of these answers.  Your hamster can catch your cold.  The germs and viruses from humans can be transmiited to your hamster.  This includes the flu as well.

    If you are sick have a family member or friend change the food or water.  Do not come into contact with them until  you are feeling better or wash your hands very well before you handle anything in their cage.  

    Whenever I am sick I always have my boyfriend change their food etc.  

    Feel better!

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