
If i have a glass or 2 of wine how long should i wait b4 breastfeeding again?

by  |  earlier

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should i pump and discard until then. need to know so i can pump enough for her before i drink. thanks




  1. Alcohol that you drink will enter your breast milk, but it is metabolized from breast milk at the same rate as it is metabolized from your blood.  In general that is about 1 drink per hour with one drink defined as 12 oz of beer, 5 oz of wine, or 1 oz of hard liquor (so for example a long island iced tea would count as multiple drinks).  Peak levels are reached about 60-90 minutes after consumption and then decrease.  For a single glass of wine you would be able to drink following a feeding and then be able to nurse again at the next feeding.  If you think there will still be alcohol in your system at the time of the next feeding you can pump enough ahead of time to replace the feeding with a bottle.  There is no need to pump and dump to remove alcohol from your breast milk.  The only reasons to pump and dump would be to maintain supply or alleviate engorgement.

  2. Yeah I would pump enough milk for the day after, before going and having fun, it should be fine to breast feed the second day for sure. Wine is not that bad for you to drink, I have heard even when you are pregnant its not that bad, I mean its good for the heart and blood, red wine that is. So you should be fine.

  3. At prenatal class they said that you wait four hours pump and discard.  I would pump beforehand so that your baby has some milk

  4. I have read in many places that your body metabolizes alcohol out of your breastmilk the same way it does out of your bloodstream, at the rate of approximately 1 drink per hour. People used the old "pump and dump" method when they thought alcohol stayed in whatever milk your body was making at the time you were drinking. So basically, if you have one glass of wine, it will take approximately one hour for your body to process the alcohol out of your milk, so it will be fine to breastfeed then. (However, I have also read that it's ok to have the occasional drink while bf-ing, so don't worry too much about it) It's just when it becomes excessive or regular that it is a problem.  

  5. well its takes 1 hour for you liver to get rid of 1 ounce of alcohol, so do the math and thats about how long. wait a day probly to be safe.

  6. No need to pump and dump. Alcohol leaves your breast milk at the same rate and the same way it leaves your blood. If you are sober enough to drive you are sober enough to breast feed.

    Check out this link:

  7. One glass is fine- you can nurse whenever.  Your body will metabolize that alcohol right away.

    Two glasses should also be OK, but if you're feeling any effects of it- wait until they wear off before you nurse again (shouldn't be more than an hour).

    No need to pump & dump unless it's to relieve engorgement while you're intoxicated.

    Like the other mom said - "Safe to drive, safe to nurse"...  so if you know you're OK to drive, that means you're OK to nurse.

    Alcohol doesn't get "trapped" in your breastmilk, your body will metabolize it just like it does with your blood.

    Enjoy your wine, mama!

  8. Yes.... pump beforehand to have food for baby if they become hungry while your body is still metabolizing the alcohol.  After drinking.... there is no need to pump and dump unless you choose to for personal comfort or to maintain milk supply.  Breast milk is constantly replenished and circulated...... so once the alcohol is out of your body.... it is out of your milk.... its not like the milk sits there with the alcohol until it is used.  I would wait about 6-8 hours before resuming normal breastfeeding.  Enjoy your glass of wine.......who deserves it more then a mommy.

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