
If i have a hanging nest ball in my hamster cage should i put something in it?

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i just got the hamster 2 days ago. shes a chinese drawf. i am also a little concerned about her drinking. i am afraid she isnt drinking at all. i am getting the water from the sink. is that bad? i change her food every day. what kind of fruits and veges can i give her? and if i need to put something in that hanging nest what?? here is a pic of her cage.

is this too small for her?? and the nest???




  1. I think that's for her to sit in...hmm...try keeping the water clean and make sure you have a bottle, not a dish. If your water is city water, try getting some fresh water. Apples, carrots and such are fine, just cut them a bit and put them in a food processor so it's nice and little.

  2. no, the cage looks OK, not to small. If you can, I would get her an aquarium because they are bigger and hamster and gerbils like them better.  Sometimes it just takes time for hamsters to adjust to things such as water and food.  Go to the store, or breeder where you got her from and see how she was getting water, such as a bowl a water bottle, ect.  Then put that in her cage.  Over time it is better to have them drink from wattle bottle and you can make this change by putting the water bottle and the bowl of water until she is used to the water bottle.  For now though, you should also put in some vegetables because she can get water from those as well.  Carrots are most commonly used, but you can also use green beans.  Do not use celery though, because this can get caught in there throat.  Also, remember to remove all vegetables after 24 hours so they do not go stale.  As for the ball, that is for her to sleep in, so do not put any thing in it.  Put some aspen bedding in the cage, but not pine or ceder because this is bad for them.    Good luck!

  3. just my type of person lol i have a chinese dwalf hamster too that hanging nest to me looks like a bed hun so put some bedding in there for her do u have lines on the water bottle as a couple of months ago i never thought my chinese hamster was drinking so i filled his bottle up to 1 of the lines and checked it the following day he had'nt drank a lot but had drunk some which made me happy as they dont drink much any ways. it is ok to get water out of your kitchen sink tap as thats where i get mine. You are also doing the correct thing wiv changing her food each day but she will only need half a table spoon of food a day as a normal hamster is ment to have a full spoon just half it for her cause she is smaller. Also u need to remember chinese dwalf hamsters are very shy and it has taken me this time round almost a yr for him to actually come to me my hot mail address is incase you would like more info or help x*x

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