
If i have a lionhead rabbit in one cage,Can i have another typ of breed in the same cage?

by  |  earlier

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I have a female Lionhead rabbit and i am getting another female.But can i have two diffrent breeds in the same cage?Or will they fight?Someone please asnwer me question because i am getting my rabbit tomorrow!Wed,Aug,6




  1. Yes, as long as they are neutered.

    Two females can fight to the death if not spayed. Esp. if the cage is too tiny.

  2. Yes just make surethey are neutered. males can fight until death. You should get a big cage, and only put 1 male and 1 female in the cage.                        

  3. NO!

    Get a new hutch quick! She'll kill her.

    Unless you get a brand new cage to put them in, it's not such a great idea!

    Never put to females together!! Ever

  4. If they aren't spayed then the 2 females will fight, but it has nothing to do with what breed they are. It's fine to have 2 different breeds in 1 cage. But the only way 2 females can usually live together peacefully is if they were either introduced when they were very, very young, or if they were littermates like mine, who are doing fine together.

    So yeah you'll need to either separate them or get them spayed, which costs a lot...

  5. NOOOO! I learned the hard way, my lionhead rabbit was soooooo sweet until i put a new rabbit in with her, the lionhead killed her!!!! IDK Y

  6. the females may fight but that is in their nature not because of their difference in breeds. They can get used to each other it will just take time. I raise rabbits  and we have mixed lion maned (head) rabbits with several other types and they have been so cute and gotten along with the others fine.They don't have to be neutered.

  7. cha

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