
If i have a paypall account is it payed by an e cheque?

by  |  earlier

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hi a paypall account is it payed by e cheque or is it another way i thought it directly paypall took it out of my account and payed it directly to the other person does it take forever to clear can anyone exsplain what happens,i bought something from e bay they dont except e cheques and i dont know what to do




  1. eCheques are processed via Direct Debit, that's why they take so long to clear.

    They are handy for those people who want to pay by PayPal but don't have a debit or credit card.

    The reason why it takes so long is a mystery that have been debated about over cheques and their 3-5 day clearance time.  Theories suggest that banks are using the money for investments over this period of time they take to clear.

    There is no reason for delays in clearing money - especially with todays high speed computers, programmes and fibreoptic datalines which connect the world's computers.

  2. it's more like a debit card

    imagine going to a supermarket and paying by card, the mony is instantly given to the supermarket, that is what paypal is, it's like an online supermarket ^^ the payments are instant :)

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