
If i have a schematic, is there someone that i can pay to build it?

by  |  earlier

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If i have a schematic, is there someone that i can pay to build it?




  1. You man need somebody to develop and test the whole circuit. In that case, you would need an electronics consultant such as these people:-

  2. Enough money and you can get anyone to do anything. In this case, that may involve designing and building a multilayer PC board, buying and evaluating the components, loading and wave soldering the board.

    so, yes, is the answer.

    Who debugs it?  What happens if there is a design error and you need a whole new board? What happens it if doesn't meet specifications? (you did write specifications didn't you? you can't expect someone to build it without specs!)

    If you want, email it to me, I'll give you a quickie evaluation.


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