
If i have a tear on my..?

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..clitoris would i need stitches?

i have to go to the gyno today and i'm wondering

since it is pretty big tear would i need stitches.

and if i do,will the numbing hurt and getting them in

hurt since it is thin tissue..ouch seems like it would hurt

pretty bad to get them..





  1. *lol* I had a tear near my clitoris from childbirth, it needed one stitch.  I choose not to have freezing because the freezing burns far more than the stitch.  I had a second degree tear the second time (that means the muscle tore as well as the skin) and that took I think 5 stitches and again I did it without numbing.  Its not that bad its mostly the tugging that feels icky more than actually hurting.

    Hope that helps.

    You can also use seaweed and superglue, if you choose to do it yourself:

  2. ouch!!!!!!! you may get a little stitch. keep in mind that area heals very rapidly!!  

  3. i have not heard of this before, but im sure that if you require stitches in that area, a numbing medication would be given. have you considered calling the dr and asking them about the process and possibilities? im sure a nurse would be happy to help you.

  4. Wow - That sounds painful! =/

    I'd imagine you would have to get stitches if your clitoris is torn. Is it bleeding? And how did you tear it anyway?

    Stitches hurt, but they can't hurt worse than getting yourself torn. I tore when I gave birth to my son and didn't even feel the stitches.. granted, my OB/Gyn is amazing and very experienced.. but stitches really aren't that bad.

    You'll probably feel some pain! For me though, when I tore with my son, the worse part was 3 days to a week after wards.. when I was starting to heal up. It hurt bad just to sit down!

    Get yourself lots of cushions, an ice pack and some Tylenol/Motrin.. those three things saved me and got me through the pain. =)

    Good luck! And take care of yourself <3

  5. they might put you under general anistetic for that

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