
If i have an std, will the gynecologist tell my mom?

by  |  earlier

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I have a burning and itching pain in my v****a. i took a mirror to um check down there and theres this white stuff in there that looks like old toilet paper? and its getting to the point where its itching is driving me crazy. so i think i have a yeast infection so my mom is taking me to the gynecologist to make sure. i am 16 years old and sexually active... but my mother would DIE if she found out. im worried i might have an std.. although ive used condoms everytime! but if i do have an std if they tell my mom then she will know i had s*x. will the gynecologist tell my mom even if i tell her not to?




  1. Doctors are very discrete and professional about this matters. I'm sure if you have an STD, if you ask her, she will not tell your mom and will just tell her it is a yeast infection. Shoe would only tell if it was a very serious condition, such as one where your life was at risk.

    Don't worry  

  2. The Gyno cannot tell your mom anything with your your permission. She will break the doctor-patient confidentiality and will lose her license. Just make sure that you are completely honesty with the doctor and lie to your mom if you don't want her to find out.

    But if you used condoms every time, there is a slim chance that it is an STD. Good Luck!

  3. She won't "tell" her, but she'll give her "the wink". She'll know.

  4. The gynecologist will tell to ur mother the right diagnosis&if STD he will tell her too.

    So u should tell ur mother that u r sexually active before going to gynecologist to avoid sudden conflict between u&ur mother in the office of dr.

  5. make sure to ask the doctor not to tell your mom if it is a std,they are not supposed to but family doctors have been known to tell even if its only by the medicines they give you. however it seems you might have a yeast infection which is not always sexual.lets hope that's what it is. good luck and check out the site.

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