
If i have low blood pressure is ok to have alot of salt?

by  |  earlier

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I dont mean like buckets of salt all over my food haha :P Just i have alot of salt on my food in genral... so is it ok to keep doing this...




  1. I have extremely low blood pressure (90/40) and I eat what I feel like eating - but I'm also hypoglycemic so I need to eat more sugar than salt.  I don't think eating salt will hurt you like it does to those with high blood pressure.  If I get shaky and jittery, I know I need sugar.  Unless your doctor advises against it, go for it and enjoy life!

  2. Salt can cause other severe problems besides fluid retention and elevated blood pressure.  Why not try a salt substitute now and then?  Mrs. Dash, fer instance, or no-salt.  Or be a wild one like me - I don't salt my popcorn,  I sprinkle ground cayenne on it!  That'll stand up and poke ya in the nose...

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