
If i have no warrants no parole no probation against me can i move to london and if so?

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i am no longer a hooligan if thats what you would call it just want a place to go wear my criminal past will not hurt me in being sucessful im not wanted or on any kinda paperwork or anything just want a oppurtunity to start over with criminal background credit just my whole life any ideas or suggestions




  1. You can't go just anywhere in the world anymore.  Your past follows you.  In order to live in any other country,  you must have authorization to live there, such as a work visa.  Otherwise you will be an illegal alien just like the ones we hate here in the United States and want deported.  

    If you have a criminal record, I doubt that the UK would welcome you with open arms.  The UK has enough trouble with its own population and the refugees they are allowing to enter into the country to have to worry about another person.

  2. You can't just take off and go to some of these places any more. You have to apply for a visa or to emigrate. They are very strict about such things in the UK. London is a teriffically expensive place by the way, and the job situation is no better than here. Maybe you could consider taking up some kind of worthwhile voluntary work for a while, so that you can build up some sort of positive 'credit' to balance out the more negaive parts of your past. Then apply for overseas jobs. If you already have a job to go to, emigration and obtaining visas can be a bit easier.

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