
If i have warrants, in az and tennessee, and i turn myself in, in az what will happen?? Will i be shipped out?

by  |  earlier

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What will i still need to do? Will i still have warrants? How long will i be in for? Will i still have fines?




  1. .   You will go before a judge.  If you can pay up any fines, she will release you.  Tennessee won't send an officer to Arizona to get you. TOo expensive.

  2. You don't say what the warrants are for.Traffic? No you will be cited out to appear in Tenn. or maybe nothing at all. Something more serious? You may be transported back to Tenn.

  3. If you turn yourself in, you will be processed in that state then turned over to any other jurisdiction that you have warrants in.

    Your best bet is to hire an attorney to speak for you.  If the warrant is for unpaid tickets, your attorney can arrange to "make good" on your violations by paying the fines and other costs.

    Do not attempt to do this on your own or you may end up spending some time in jail then transferred to other jurisdictions.  Please consult an attorney to represent you in front of the courts.  Know your rights.

  4. Some bench warrants for failure to appear may or may not be extraditable.  If you turn yourself in you will be for certain locked up once they positively ID you.  If you are caught driving and commit a traffic violation then you will be locked up too.  Give the court a call and explain.

  5. you will serve your sentance in Az then be shipped to TN to finish your sentance

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