
If i haven't worked for 2 yrs can i apply for state disability

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If i haven't worked for 2 yrs can i apply for state disability




  1. ly if your doctor says you are totally disabled and unable to perform work of any kind.

  2. It depends upon why you haven't worked, if you were just to lazy or just did not want to work then no, you can not collect state disability.

    At this point since it has been two years you would have to meet the Social Security definition of disability, the state bases your benefits based on your last 52 weeks of working. Since you have not worked any in the last 52 weeks your only option is Social Security and you need to find a doctor that would evaluate you and sign the paperwork.

    Be aware, Social Security my ask you to see their doctor, my brother in-law's brother had to fight with Social Security for 4 years before finally getting a check.

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