
If i havent run in like... years, is it normal for my chest to feel odd?

by  |  earlier

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Mid twenties, i go for walks and do some work outs on exercise machines and stuff, i eat well, and at my last physical the doctor said everything was great. but i havent run since about high school.

went for a few mile walk today, ran for part of it, going slow, trying to pace myself. after a while i got kinda winded, and walked the rest of the way. felt a lot better, but now my chest feels a little weird. is this normal for someone who hasnt run in a long long time?




  1. it all depends on what you mean by weird.  If it a pain in your chest that seems to radiate into your shoulder(s) or down one arm then you should see a doctor.  However, if it's just an uncomfortable feeling that seems to go away when you rest then it's most likely because you pushed yourself a little to hard.  Good luck with the running

  2. ...

    This is too difficult to tell without a proper exam.   Chest pains can occur indicating many conditions, including.

    -temporary bronchitis, sometimes called an athlete's bronchitis.  Whether a new runner or one who has been at it for some time, you can breathe so hard and so deeply that you irritate your lungs (especially the bronchiole tubes going into each lung).

    -stretched intercostal (between the ribs) muscles, again due to heavy, deep breathing.

    -strained upper back (e.g., rhomboid) muscles, which when knotted can 'pull' on the muscles across the front of your body.

    Give it some rest, if it persists and is bothersome, you might want to get another medical checkup.



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