
If i injected 2cc of 80 proof (40%) vodka into...?

by  |  earlier

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...each of my testicles, could it effectively cause castration through 3-4 repeated injections?




  1. No, but you'd probably get a pretty mean infection.

  2. You would probably die from alcohol poisoning.

  3. That's the craziest thing I've heard all day... no offense.  That would just hurt like a SONuvabitch.  And yea, probably leave you with a nasty, painful infection.  

    Heeyyy.... if the infection were bad enough, you'd have to go to the ER and they might have no choice but to castrate you.  So I suppose it COULD work.  I can think of a few cleaner, safer, less painful ways to do it, though.... I guess it depends on how much you like pain.   SEVERE pain.

  4. Considering your name is Angelina I'm wondering how you have testicles. but to answer your question, it may cause an infection so bad that they need be removed after doing such a stupid act.

  5. More like DEATH within the next 3-4 hours.

  6. I think you should discuss this with your doctor.

  7. i recommend you see a mental health professional....

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