
If i invest now-can i get tax benefit in next yr 2008-2009.if yest plz advice me where i invest.plz help me,sk

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if i invest now-can i get tax benefit in next yr 2008-2009.if yes please advice me where and in which item i invest now.the sensex is down so where i get benefit.i m first time investor and poor people.plz advice






  1. KEsavji

    The rule is very simple. the investment should be out of current year's income so what ever you want to save should be out of current year's income then you will  get the tax benefit.

    You can save in the follwoing instruments

    1 LIC Premium

    2 NSC

    3 Public provident fund

    4 ELSS

    5 TAx saving FD in bank with locking period of five year

  2. My name is ADEWALE, a director of GOLD CHIP International. Gold Chip International has been involved in various building/construction projects, telecommunications, events, Marketing of products and services and power projects for a couple of years.I have been able to discover that these businesses are the most valuable and profitable business in NIGERIA and the World at large.

    Nigeria is the 6th largest producer of crude oil in the elite league known as OPEC, whose members account for over two –third of the world's total supply of this commodity. Also the country's estimated reserves of natural gas runs into billions of metric tonnes and the first train of the liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) has recently being shipped out with the production all fully committed to purchase's from abroad. In terms of revenue earning capacity and potential, it is worth mentioning that Nigeria to date has realized over US200 billion from crude oil sales.

    For a country that could boast of such huge amount of resources, it is very saddening and disturbing to note that very little of the earnings have been put into use to boost the fortune of infrastructure. However, Nigeria was one of the best performing emerging markets in the world in recent years (have a look at our stock market and you will see for yourself), attracting private equity and hedge fund investors from Europe,

    Asia and the United States.

    Have you ever thought of taking your business a little bit further by investing outside your present location? If so, then you now have the solutions to making billions of dollars by bringing your business and products to Nigeria (Every good thing sells in Nigeria). What some people don’t know is that you can make more than 10 times your invested money in one year by investing in Nigeria. I have done a full and proper research on these businesses and I am open to discussions on where and how you can come in.


    Gold Chip

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    Mobile- 234-8033945001


  3. hi keshav

    this is ibrar and i am a investment adviser from chennai.

    its sure u can get tax benefit if u invest now. generally people use to invest for filing tax in the last minutes(after december every year).. its a good think to see you as u r planning ur investment now itself.  As a investment advisor i want u to invest in ULIP's as of now for which u will get (tax benefit, insurance, attractive returns) a bunch of benefits. because all other investments will miss one of these benifits. so best suitable is ULIP (i am avoiding direct investment in share market because because u will not get tax benefit which is ur first priority.right?) if u want more details you can contact me.

    i can guide u for all ur investment needs.  my id is

    my no is 919788011322.

    thank you.

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