
If i just don't show up for work without calling or anything, they still have to pay me right??

by Guest21405  |  earlier

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i just stopped showing up for work cause i completely hate my managers.

and when ever they call i just dont answer..

so when i go to pick up my pay check in 2 weeks, they still have to give it to me right??




  1. they will pay you for the hours you worked only hope u find a better job

  2. I was a manager, and that situation occurred while I was working at a deli. They most definitely have to pay you for the hours that you worked prior to you not showing up for work. Make sure you know how many hours you worked, and make sure to turn in any uniform items you may have. You can be charged for your uniform in some cases which lowers your last paycheck amount. Bring your hours with you on a piece of paper so that you can verify that they haven't cheated you on any hours. Other than that, good luck finding a happier, more pleasant work atmosphere!

  3. Why do you expect to get paid for NOT working? Either quit and get another job...or go to work, but don't expect to get paid for nothing!

  4. For the hours you worked...yes!

    For the shift you didn't show up for, No!

  5.   only for the time you worked

  6. yes they will pay you for hours actually worked

    employees like you make it hard for so many young inexperienced employees to get a chance. employers have gotten to where they just won't hire teens and tweens because of the risk of poor work-ethic and communication skills. as they say one bad apple will ruin the whole barrel.

  7. They have to pay you for the time worked...other than that nothing else.  No matter how much you hate your managers you should never just stop showing up to work without calling or anything like that.  This will only earn you a bad reference, and lessen your chances of finding a new job.  

    You are really going to need to gain some responsibility, in order to make it in the working world.  This is not going to look good when you try to find a new job, who then calls your old job as a reference.  

  8. I DON'T REALLY KNOW but depending on you job you may or may on get your pay check and you should GO TO WORK

  9. Yes you are entitled to be paid for work that you have done. It would have been better if you hated the job to at least give notice. I wouldn't put that job on my resume later.

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