
If i kickbox Tuesdays and Wednesdays and ride my bike every other day..?

by Guest63823  |  earlier

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will I lose 10 pounds in two weeks?




  1. Diet right and probably - you'll lose water weight mostly so you gotta stay with this routine.

    Course it depends how many miles and the intensity.

    That sounds like a healthy regime... who cares how much you'll lose... you will look and feel great!

  2. dont yhoo mean 10 pounds or 10 stone?

    cus 10 STONE is BADDDDDD

  3. Losing weight is a matter of two thing: the number of calories you consume and the number of calories you burn.

    As pointed out by another respondent, a pound of fat contains 3500 calories.  To lose 10 pound in two weeks would require running a 35000 calorie deficit.  If you could somehow eat just enough to sustain your other bodily functions, and burned 500 calories per hour during kickboxing and cycling, you would have to work out for 35 hours a week to lose 10 pounds.  This would be an exceedingly unhealthy rate of weight loss.

    An equally unhealthy plan would be to dehydrate yourself by just a bit over a gallon of fluid.

    You are far better off running a 250 calorie per day deficit.  This will allow you to lose about 1/2 pound a week without feeling starved.  This is a healthy and sustainable weight loss.

    Hope this helps.

  4. No.  That's an unhealthy amount of weight to lose in two weeks, unless you are morbidly obese. For someone that just needs to lose a few pounds, a two pound a week goal is much more reasonable.    Regular exercise is a great way to meet your fitness goals, but remember that you need to reduce your caloric intake too.  To burn one pound of fat, you need to burn off 3500 calories by reducing your food intake and exercising.  For example, eat 200 calories less each day than usual, and engage in one hour of moderate exercise everyday that will burn off another 300 calories, you will lose one pound per week.  

    Good luck!

  5. I hope not - that would be very unhealthy!

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