
If i kill myself can my family clame life insurence?

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If i kill myself can my family clame life insurence?




  1. There's a suicide clause in your policy. Check it. If you past the years to qualify you coul do it. I wouldn't suggest it. Usually its 2 years then you could do it. Remember to check the policy before you bust yourself open..YA DIG?!!

  2. In Canada, once you have been paying premiums for a couple years even suicide is a simple cause of death, and does not disqualify the payout.

    Now previous attempts at suicide not declared to the insurance company are treated as a pre-existing condition.

    Odd as it may seem, if one is at strong risk of death from a pre-existing (other) condition, suicide can remove the pre-existing condition as cause of death, so remove this as a way of denying a claim.

  3. Family can't replace you.  How far can money go?  Get some help - first stop on your knees and ask for help. Some say that is the easy way out, but for whom - you or the fam?

  4. Suicide is  not covered for first several years.  I don't think it should even be covered.

  5. If your death is ruled a suicide, life insurance will not pay. How would your death effect the ones you care about emotionally? I suspect it will mess them up for many years. I suggest  you look for other alternatives to deal with your current problems.

  6. ur life insurence yes, unless your married, make sure you check your terms

  7. Nope

  8. hey ' listen' dont do it. nothing in this world is worth the precious life that god gave you. i dont know what your problem is but, taking your life. is not going to make it go away. if youre sick or dying all ready or just plian tired of living life. Still dont do it. Suffer the pain, humble your self to god if you believe in god, when the time come he will not let you suffer any more than you can bare.  jesus suffered more pain than any one on this earth. Remember that. If you are asking this question because you are thinking about doing that, Then you really need to talk to someone. Tell you what email me at this address. , Even before becoming a life insurance agent. i have seen,been through, and going through a lot of things. I believe i may be able to help you change your mind.

    dont do it, I'll be more than happy  to talk to you.

  9. whoa dude do u need help, there are crisis intervention centers in almost every community, PLEASE PLEASE CALL ONE IF YOU NEED TO>as to the answer to your question, almost all policies have a suiside clause delininating the period of time where if u terminate your own life they dont pay, so read your policy and dont pull the trigger during the time frame or they wont pay. SERIOUSLY TO BE ASKING THIS QUESTION U NEED TO SEEK HELP IF NOTHING ELSE DIAL 911 AND ASK FOR HELP GL>

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