
If i know how to skateboard farely well, will snowboarding be easy to me?

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I have been skiing and i am very good but i wanna try snowboarding. Please help




  1. It wont be easy, it has similar basics like the turning you lean either forwards or backwards and I suppose balancing is the same, but you are working with a totally different surface which is unreliable, like with skateboarding the tarmac is smooth and doesn't give way whereas snow does and is bumpy even at the best resorts.

    I fell over a lot at first but after a couple of days of practise I got real good and moved up through my tutor groups. A good tip is to not wear a bag and as little clothes as possible like a woolie hat instead of a helmet cuz it distorts your balance, falling over doesnt really hurt especially if you've done boarding and know how to bail.

  2. I think that you'll get used to it very easily. The turning on both boards is a similar motion and so is jumping. You will have to adjust to the sliding feeling and the fact that the board is attached to your feet. You may fall a few times, but get back up and keep trying! You'll get the hang of it in no time.

    Good luck and have fun!

  3. If you can skateboard and ski, then you should pick up snowboarding pretty quickly.  

    If you enjoy skateboarding, you will probably enjoy snowboarding more anyway.

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