
If i know someone's IP address how can I find out where he is from?

by  |  earlier

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Also, IP addresses change right? That is, say I restart the computer or connect to the LAN using a different connecting point, etc... the IP address changes right?




  1. your ip address changes all the time and you can see where somebody is from with the ip address you can do scary things with it like find the exact house they live in using a couple of free websites. is the thing i use to check where someones ip is from

    the only thing that dont change is your main ip which is hidden.  

  2. Type the ip in here:

    ip's can change, yes.  It depend on the persons ISP for how often it'll change.

    Note there are private LAN addresses (they start with 192.168) and public that are viewed over the internet.

  3. For complete hacking n IP info refer

    It really helped me...

  4. yea i think it does change like that there are other ways too ,how can u find some1 by there ip addy?? by going to a site like which will give u lang-longitude of the ip adress and den go to another site (google it)that can change the numbers into a physical location there are sites so look around

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