
If i leave my phones in my hand luggage bag, will security make me have my bag searched?

by  |  earlier

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I need to take two phones with me while Im going away, and I just wanted to know, if I left my phones in my handluggage bag whilst it went through the security thing, would the bag need a full search?? I could turn then off it that would make a difference?




  1. no. everyone has cell's now a days and everyone takes them on the planes.  There is nothing wrong with having your cell.  having them on or off won't make a difference, just make sure they are off when the plane is taking off and landing.  But in the doesn't matter.

  2. No, I don't see why. I was just reading a few hours ago, on my airplanes website what was permitted as I go on holiday tomorrow, and was worried about my ipod and it said phones, ipods, blah were permitted. So I don't see why they would.

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