
If i leave my spouse and take my daughter with me, is that considered abduction?

by  |  earlier

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I've been married for 8 yrs I want to leave my husband but I think the only way is just leaving without saying nothing and later contact him. Otherwise he won't let me take my daughter and I can't leave her behind.

I'll file for divorce later. I just want to leave.




  1. If you do not tell him where you are with the child, yes.

  2. You need to go to a womans shelter and get help to get away from this abuser.  Yes, this is abuse and slavery.  Take your daughter to the shelter with you.  The shelter will help you to get a restraining order against him and they will help you get a new start with your life.  

  3. If he is the girl's biological father then "your" daughter is just as much his daughter too. Unless there is abuse of some kind, why would you want to deprive him of his daughter? Also, it doesn't sound like you've considered that it might be harmful to your daughter if her dad is taken away from her. She needs time with her father too. Just because you're a woman doesn't automatically make you a better parent and it doesn't give you the right to deprive a man of his children or them of him. whether it's abduction or not depends on the circumstances. But if i was your husband and you did that to me, I'd be calling the cops right away! This is the 21st century. It's time women and the courts started recognizing the value of fathers to their children and the damage it does when they're taken away. Give your head a shake and handle this fairly, like an adult.

  4. GOD really ppl just dont know how it is i'm in the same place as u and plan on doing the same thing ...just dont make a move too fast rethink every step i'm not telling u not to leave i'm just saying be carfull i know i didnt help but i just wanted to tell u not to listen to the ppl that tell u not to leave cause its a long life dont waste it with him..if anyone tells u to stay cause of ur daughter  belive me i dont think she'll be happy if her mother isnt

  5. That would be an awful thing to do. After 8 years sneak off like that? I wouldnt want you running off with my daughter either you sound like you have a s***w loose.

    Well you are asking for peoples opinions are you not? Its my opinion. IF you dont want answers dont ask.

    Hey BS are you reading a different post than I am? Where does it say hes abusive?

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