
If i leave the country and move to NZ can my debts be traced?

by Guest58339  |  earlier

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And how long will it take to clear off my records if i ever decide to return?




  1. Yes they can they will return you to the country that you had debts from and make them pay it. and no they will be there for the rest of your life.

  2. you can move to Afghanistan, they won't find you there.

  3. they found me when I moved to South Africa.

    The uk company sold the debt to a credit agency who traced me (not difficult as I wasn't rtying to hide anything)

    due to a favourable exchange rate it made my debt a lot less and I cleared it.

    i never had any futher come-back on it, even when I later returned to the UK to live

  4. Chasing debts into different countries is not that easy and 99% of the time it is just not cost effective, not to mention it is nearly impossible to enforce any kind of collection activity across the borders.

    When you leave the United States, you will "toll" the statute of limitations, but your debts will still fall off your credit report in 7 years just like if you had stayed in the country.

    Chances are that unless you owe a high amount of money, your creditors will simply stop trying to collect once they find out you have left the country.

  5. Of course your debts will find you and they will still be weaiting for you no matter when you return.

  6. They will put you in debtors prison the minute you get off the plane when you return

  7. They'd want to know precisely of these debts before they issue you a visa, so yes, they'd find it, one way or another. It's their job.

  8. Easier than you think.

  9. You wished.

  10. It takes 6 years to clear fro your records

  11. Yes they will trace you and yes you will be taken to court if you try to evade them.

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