
If i leave the father of my kids will i ever find somebody who will truly love my kids and treat them like the

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their own

not sure why it cut the last letters of it was showing them before lol




  1. A psychic may answer this best.  

  2. Nobody will love your kids the way a father does. I am a stepdad and love my daughter ('cause I have the words stepdad/step daughter) her to death...and i also have a boy and waiting for another baby daughter in 4-5 weeks...I say...stick it out with the father...the grass is not greener on the other side...Finding someone to love your kids like Dad will be a major issue. Nobody can love my son the way I do. I guarantee that. Do you think some other girl can love your babies more than you can...heck no. You loved that guy enough to make kids...find whatever it was to get back into it. When a women decides to have a baby for her man...that's love sweetheart... Take care

  3. Sweety nobody can love your children the way you and him love them. You will encounter good people that will be caring toward your children but a family love is very different. I don't have children of my own but see people split up often and have children involved. It's hard for the children but as long as you and the father can look past your differences of the relationship you both can work together as a team even though your not together. Your children need the support and love from the both of you. You have to be strong and don't let your children see your stress because it does affect them. It's not easy but you can do it:)

  4. I know what you mean! I don't think we will know until we decide to take the chance. I can tell you this - my step father treated me like I was his own. He still does. My biological dad is a musician, not a dad. Even though I have a relationship with them both- my step dad is the one that walked me down the aisle. He is the one that picked me up from school when I started my period and took care of me when I was sick. There are some amazing men out there that will treat and love them as his own. Just gotta find one of them.

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