
If i lied would they let me transfer schools?

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Sorry i'm just so desperate to transfer highschools. I'm a freshman, just started school and realized how much i hate it. So i dislike the people in my school/classes since they just don't seem "my type". I mean they either talk too much, are boring, or just completely ignore me. People don't treat me right.

I only made one friend and i want to have a whole group of friends but i can't find any friends since everyone already has friends from their previous elementary school. So i'm just really lonely and i NEED to transfer to this school that my friend goes to. I hate being alone.

Apparently earlier this year i applied to go to my friend's school, got accepted but i chose to go to my current one BIG MISTAKE. I don't know if they'll let me transfer since i chose not to go there but i still have the forms that state that i was accepted into that school.

If they don't let me transfer i'm planning to use a fake address so i can get in since i do NOT live in the area. I know this is risky but no matter what i am so unhappy at my current highschool and i want to transfer so bad. My relatives live the the school's area and if i tell them that i'm moving in with them, will they believe me?

Will they let me transfer?




  1. My mom used to be the one to process the paperwork your are referring to in our district. The relatives thing doesn't work. Your relatives would have to take legal guadianship of you in order for that to go through. If you say your whole family lives at the address then you might get away with it.

    The tricky part with this is that all between school transfers are conditional and can be revoked if your behavior becomes an issue, or there is an academic concern that merits the transfer back. Then, you are really toast. Also, it kind of gives your whole family the look of being dishonest and intentionally being deceptive if you try to lie. Your family would also have to provide transportation arrangements for you daily. This becomes a pain very quickly if your parents both work full time.

    Also, as a former teacher, when I found out I had a student who wasn't showing integrity, and they were a pain, I submitted that information to our administration. If the kid was well-behaved, never caused a stir, I just ignored it. I've gone both ways. Sorry, just being honest.

    Your best bet is to wait until a quarter or semester break so you have completed the credits you are in the middle of. Before the term ends resubmit your paperwork and be sincere, not whiny. Whiny only gets your paperwork tossed. Also, rude parents mean your paperwork goes to the bottom of the stack. Again, not trying to be rude, just real. If you treat people like c**p, it comes back to haunt you. Handle this honestly and sincerely and it shouldn't be an issue. Hope it turns out. Hang in there for just a little longer...

  2. try talking to a counselor at your school and see what they tell you.

  3. I completely understand where your coming from. In fact, EVERYONE understands your situation. We've all felt like the black sheep at certain points in our lives, and we've ALL felt lonely. But is running away really the answer? Every time you feel a little lonely, or feel like you don't fit, you cant keep running away. The more you turn your back to situations like this and try to escape, you're just going to get weaker and weaker. The only way you're going to learn life's little but PRECIOUS lessons is if you stick it out, and learn from your tears and pain... Right now it doesn't make sense to you, but trust me, as you grow up, you'll understand.  

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