Sorry i'm just so desperate to transfer highschools. I'm a freshman, just started school and realized how much i hate it. So i dislike the people in my school/classes since they just don't seem "my type". I mean they either talk too much, are boring, or just completely ignore me. People don't treat me right.
I only made one friend and i want to have a whole group of friends but i can't find any friends since everyone already has friends from their previous elementary school. So i'm just really lonely and i NEED to transfer to this school that my friend goes to. I hate being alone.
Apparently earlier this year i applied to go to my friend's school, got accepted but i chose to go to my current one BIG MISTAKE. I don't know if they'll let me transfer since i chose not to go there but i still have the forms that state that i was accepted into that school.
If they don't let me transfer i'm planning to use a fake address so i can get in since i do NOT live in the area. I know this is risky but no matter what i am so unhappy at my current highschool and i want to transfer so bad. My relatives live the the school's area and if i tell them that i'm moving in with them, will they believe me?
Will they let me transfer?