
If i lift weights to failure?

by  |  earlier

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i was duing curls today and i was lifting untill i couldn't lift the weight anymore but i didn't feel the burn am i gaining muscle? And i eat the proper amount of protein after my workout. i did like 5 sets to failure.




  1. rookie mistake..dont lift to failure..unless you really want to burn yourself out and never see any gains..and besides..dont you know? curls are for some rows for bi's and some presses for tri's...

    lift like a man not like a *****

    i was just giving you an example too genius

  2. maximum benefit is to failure  every other day...  one day to heal

    unless you want size  then you break it down more than once in a day

    do legs one day and arms the next....leave a day for healing........

  3. You body will adapt, and your endurance will change.  If you are looking to change your endurance you are going the right way.  If you are looking to build  you are going at it the wrong way.  You need to lift fewer reps and heavier weights.  Ten reps is enough.  You need to workout your triceps with benchpresses or other exercises as well.  I does not work to well if you focus too much on one side of your arms.

  4. If you have been lifting for a while, the burn will fade.  If you go to failure you are building muscle mass.  If you want mass then keep going to failure.  But, a word of advice, by curls I assume you mean bicep curls and the bicep is about 10% of your total body mass.  Don't waste time on that, the probability of injury is too high for the pay off.  Biceps only look good, they are relatively useless without other muscle groups.  Working chest and upper back and shoulders will work your biceps plenty.  Do a set or two of curls if you must, but don't get an injury...a bicep injury will stop all your upper body workouts.  

  5. log in to   very not miss it

  6. Do your sets slow and make sure your arms don't swing back and forth if your doing one arm at a time put your free hand behind your arm that your working remember stick to your program nothing happens over night. Happy lifting  

  7. I have to completely disagree with the above. if you don't push yourself to failure your muscle wil never have to adapt and therefore not have to grow. Its actually a rookie mistake to NOT push to failure.


    dont lift like a *****! lol priceless. you just got mentally knocked the f out!

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