
If i like to get wireless internet access at home?

by  |  earlier

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i currently have internet cable that is wired.. but since i got a new laptop, i would like to change to wireless internet access to my comp. do i have to call my internet provider and say i need wireless internet connection? or

do i have to buy wireless router at bestbuy and do it by myself..

i dont know how this works...




  1. you could basically do both, you could buy a wireless router that u can connect to your modem or u could contact ur Internet provider and ask them for a modem with wireless and cable connection, i believed that's better than a separate router the modem has integrated wireless system i think they called it a 2wire modem

  2. You buy a wireless router and plug it into your modem via an Ethernet cable

    Or do what I do and steal your neighbors wifi

  3. cool ok, you can buy a wireless router from ebay or where ever.

    no need to tell your isp - they'll try and sell you something way overpriced...

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