
If i live in new york state can i plant a weeping willow?

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i love them but dont know anything about them what do i nned to know?




  1. Sure why not! How would anyone know unless you tried. Weeping Willow is genetically hardy but because it grows so fast and is often planted in areas that are wet it becomes susceptible to bark split during the winter and can slowly die due to this injury alone. This happens in the south as well. It takes them a long time to actually go dormant down here and sometimes they won't which really doesn't help their survival. They may actually do very well in a colder climate and get the message to shut down for winter. I would go to your locale walmart because they are (genetically hardy) and buy one in the bag out in the garden center for under $20.00 It'll be a bargain if it works and not much lost to find out.

  2. Yes, they are perfectly legal in New York State, and you should be able to buy them at a tree nursery.

  3. Weeping willow can live in "plant hardiness zones" 5-9.

    I believe New York is in zone 5, so you are OK.

    Buying from your local nursery is always the best but if you cannot find it locally, I recommend

  4. yes.  they grow near water , so plant it in a low wet area . plant very firmly! and stake.  form a tree well and mulch.  water frequently until established.  local nurseries surely stock them

  5. What you need to know about them is they make a mess and do not hold up well in storms.  The ice storm of 91 ruined one of our  Weeping willows and severely damaged the other.  If you plant one you will have a lot of work ahead of you in the fall to clean them up.  I don't know where in New York you live but Wayside Garden Center is the best place to go.  They are located in Macedon.  They are the biggest in the area.  Bristol's is good in victor.  But I would recommend wayside, they are much bigger and have a bigger selection.

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