
If i look into a full moon would the spell work?

by  |  earlier

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and wat bad things will happen? and i really want to be a mermaid




  1. i know a spell that you don't have to do when the moon is full email me  

  2. Why do you want to be a mermaid??? Vampires are much better. *Walks away while shaking head*

  3. The Gods created you to be who/what you ARE.  They will not change your physiology on a whim.  Do not second-guess them.  You are who/what you are for a reason.  Find out what that reason is, and work with it to make the world a better place.

    Blessed be.

  4. I was about to offer some practical advice and answer seriously, until I read that you want to become a Mermaid.

  5. Haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, haaa, hooo, hooo, hooo, heee, heee, haaa, haaa, lolololololololololololol, haa, haa, haa.

  6. If you say a mermaid spell during a full moon, you'll drop dead.

    Seeing as you're asking yet another annoying mermaid question, don't hesitate to do it.

  7. Don't listen 2 these people they don't know wat there talking about..I will give u a Mermaid Spell if that is wat u really want and yes doing this spell on A full moon works best...

    This spell is very special use it only if you absolutely want it more than anything.  This is a permanent spell even the removing spell. Thank you fellow covens.

    As i lay here in this water,

    I conceal myself to you.

    Air was needed,

    Now no more,

    My legs squeeze and join.

    A mermaid forever be.

  8. Learn to swim well, be pretty and discover what water can do more than others. lt won't turn you into what you want but you can be more capable than what you want to be that way, the full moon isn't what you should be looking at.

  9. I'm sorry.. but I don't think you're going to be a mermaid. =(

  10. NO

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