
If i major in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION what type of jobs can i be qualified for?

by Guest33750  |  earlier

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starting college and need a major.This program was one of my top choices. what type of job can i expect to obtain and if you know what salary.




  1. I would advise that you consider a different major. I am a business major with a minor in computer information systems and the most I could get out of college was a job in title insurance and the pay is miserable.  

  2. I don't know why the others are having a hard time finding jobs with this degree. You can find work as an office assintant, manager, Human resourses, etc. This is the degree I am currently working on and there are always jobs asking for a business degree.

  3. Sales jobs - I have a degree in Business Administration, and two years after graduating am still LOOKING. The most I've gotten is 10/hr...and that's with five years experience in customer service. Everyone only wants me for SALES. Get a degree in something else or double major if you want a better chance at getting a decent job.  

  4. Business administration to get a job and make a salary? You got it all wrong.  Run your own business and you decide how much you make.

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