
If i make a claim on my comprehensive car insurance are my rate goiong ot go up?

by  |  earlier

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i drove off the road when a vulture blocked my view and i did some lite body damage and bent the torsion bar and power steering unit




  1. This would not be a comprehensive loss.  If you struck the vulture, and it damaged the vehicle then it would be a comp loss.  As you described the loss, it would be considered collision.  Your deductible will apply, and your rates may go up.

  2. They should (though your claims dept. will know for sure).  The more funds it takes to repair the car, the more your insurance will charge you by increasing your rate (from my understanding, though all insurance companies are different).

    Now if your deductible is $500, and it takes $800 to repair the car, I would just pay the $800 and keep the insurance company out of it.

  3. For car insurance the quick way to get a low rate is do a policy comparison on auto policies. Make sure that you compare similar policies with the same deductibles, auto type, zip code, etc so that all things are a good comparison.

    What I usually recommend is an internet comparison quote at since they have big name insurers and will give several quotes on car insurance polices.

  4. That is what you bought insurance for.

    No one was hurt, No one was killed.

    If it's a $1000 fix your rates probably won't even go up.

    You can actually call them and ask if it's worth your while to report it to them, and at what amount of damages will your rates rise and by how much.

    Again, this is what you bought insurance for.

  5. Probally not the first time but for sure it will there after. The more they have to pay the more premium cost they will collect.

  6. Perhaps You ought to google it first ,nevertheless if you prefer some direct resource ,here might be your choosing.

    You will find much more useful suggetions and tips for your question.Good Luck for you.

  7. No, comprehensive claims do not raise your rates but I hate to break it to you, that would be a collision claim which WOULD raise your rates.

  8. Yes, it will rise.

    You can easily compare how your quotes will change in internet, for example here:

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