
If i make myself sick, will i soon be able to do it without putting fingers down my throat?

by Guest31705  |  earlier

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dont giv me a lecture about how its dangerous and stuff , i am still going to do it!




  1. you really need to get a clue...

  2. Your better off just not eating...that way your teeth will still stay white and your breath won't stink of stomach bile!

  3. Possibly. But then your esophagus will be damaged, your teeth will rot out and you'll be addicted to puking... Then you will look like a skeleton and everyone will think your on meth.... Yay, what a wonderful future to bestow on yourself!!

  4. Please just don't do that.

  5. You can do it without sticking your fingers down your throat anyway if you really want to do it that much. If you can't then you should stop it, because you're just doing it for attention. If you can then you should really get some mental help.

  6. If you're still going to do it you are either moron or have a death wish. I really don't care how much you injure yourself but I do care about the pain you will put your loved ones through. If you are fat exercise and diet. Bulimia is a mental issue - I know I suffered with it. Then one day my father was diagnosed with cancer and it stripped the weight off him. That's when I realised the human body needs a little extra weight just to fight off disease and illness and I stopped what I was doing. It seemed such an insult to a great man struggling to keep his weight up just so he could be here with us a little longer. Stop being so bloody vain and think of others for a change.

  7. Yes, you will and then soon after that you will be dead and a lot of good a skinny frame will do you then.

    Have a nice day.

  8. that's really dim... yes it'll work but why do you want to do it? why do you want to ruin the your health and teeth and have foul breath and end up being really ugly because you're all boney and minging??

  9. I've never done that, I would advise you not to aswell. But if you really want to, then try it!

    Not sure how though!

  10. don't be daft u don't need to do that to be fit.

  11. Hope you enjoy making yourself sick.

    Thanks for the points.

  12. yes. but you wont be able to stop. as soon as you eat anything it will just come back up because your telling your stomach is getting told that it is a bad substance.

    have fun become like a dried out spider :)

  13. yeah it will,

    n lecture its not my place as i dont know you,

    but hope your gonna be happy with a mouth full of rotten teeth, smelly breath like sh*t, and a figure that looks like a teen  school boy,

    enjoy the dark circles around your eyes,and pale skin , horrible figure that will make people stare for the wrong reasons, because you look like a dried up walkin bone,

    make sure dogs dont try to chase you they could become confused!!

    what a sicko you are, some people suffer this as an illness and you want to abuse it,

    eat healthy an do exercise, its not hard, dont be so fkin LAZY!!!

  14. I doubt it . just drink saltwater that will make you sick i wont lecture you but i wouldnt do it. the acid will rot ur teeth then it wont matter if ur skinny wen u smile ppl will be horrified

  15. that's so dumb and don't try to make yourself sick  

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