
If i marry a us citizen, can she take me into the usa? if so how fast?

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i live in mexico but have a girlfriend that is a us citizen, if we marry in mexico could she take me to the united states?




  1. yes it will take like a year to complete all the paper work and as long as you never entered the US illegally... I hope that not the only reason your getting married... if so they will send you a** back if you get separated or divorced.

  2. are you trying to use the girl as a ticket to come to america?

  3. If you marry in Mexico, you must remain in Mexico while she applies for a spousal visa. She must prove a valid relationship: where & how you met, how long and how well you know each other, when & where you two have been together, etc.  And she must prove she has sufficient income and assets to support you and guarantee a $30,000 bond.  It will take at least 2 years to get your spousal visa if you are approved, and you must remain in your own country the entire time.  

    Having a child is no help.  It merely complicates matters.  You become liable for child support (at US rates), but her income must be sufficient to support herself, the child, and you -- so she'll need substantially more income than if it is just two people.

    If there is any suspicion that you are marrying her for citizenship/immigration benefits, that's fraud.  You get deported and barred from re-entry, and she is subject to 5 years in prison and $250,000 fine.  Your haste to enter the US indicates your intent to commit marriage fraud/immigration fraud.

  4. There is a long wait if you marry outside of your country for you to come to the US of A.  She would have to come home and petition you to come here.  Lots of paper work to be done and testing.

  5. If you marry first and it is out of the US then your wait time for a visa will average 1-2 years. You would have to wait in Mexico for the visa.

  6. Some of the remarks here are not relevant to your two questions.

    The answer to your first question is that there is no reason you would not be allowed to join your wife in the US, provided that the authorities were satisfied that your relationship and marriage was genuine.It is correct that she would have to show that she had suffucient income to support you, because whether or not you can find employment is not normally taken into consideration. However, it CAN be taken into consideration if she were able to show that you had a genuine offer or employment that you could take up on arrival.Without that assurance, your wife would have to make an affadavit to the effect that she would support you at the rate of 125% of the federal poverty guideline which for would be $14,000 + $3500= $17,500. She would also have to show that show that she had assets or earnings to allow for this after deducting her all her own living expenses.That is not a particularly large amount, and the average employee could theoretically afford it. Of course, your girlfriend might earn considerably less than average, which would present a problem, or she may earn considerably more, in which case it might be peanuts to her. For example, when I was in the USA, my wife earned in one month almost as much as the annual poverty guideline at the time it was $10,000, and she just worked for a realtor.

    The answer to your second question is more indefnite. It is not too many years ago that proof of marriage filed in ,say, Texas, in a morning, would result in a green card the same afternoon. Unfortunately,from Mexico, some cases were taking from 13-15 months, but today, alien fiance(e) and alien spous petitions dated march 18 2008 are now being processed.There should be further improvements as USCIS is busy recruiting another 1500 staff to deal with the unprecedented levels of immigration. It is not taking AT LEAST 2 years, as claimed by Ibu Guru, unless he knows better than USCIS website.

    Neither do I agree with Ibu Guru that there is anything susicious or sinister about you wanting to join your wife in the USA as soon as possible after marrieage. In fact I have the opposite view. I would be inclined to ask questions of a person that did NOT want to join his his wife as soon as possible, and so would most people. What is the point of two people marrying if they do not want to be together. To suggest that in any way indicates intent to commit fraud is absolutely ludicrous, and I can only assume Ibu Guru does not know the heartache suffered by most when apart from their loved ones.He should stick to facts and not speculation.

    as for Ibu Guru's comments about a wife having a child in the USA., Wrong again. More facts not checked. The sum of the affadavit will be exactly the same. Of course her own outgoings will be more, but only marginally so, an infants food and clothing, and that is all. But it will be another way of showing a relationship exists with her husband. The system is intended to deal fairly with applicants, not deliberately frustrate the right of US citizens to marry who they like.

  7. I believe that is very possible. I would talk to a few real "officials" before trying anything too rash...

    If you guys had a kid and made sure the kid was born in the US then getting you across to support it shouldn't be a problem.

    Just remember the rule "what can you bring that we don't already have?"

  8. Looks to me like you are looking for a fast ticket to the US

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